Audience Overview

The Audience Members feature on Quest redefines user engagement and relationship management in the digital realm. This innovative CRM tool is tailored for audience members, integrating levels, rewards, tags, XP, and scores to create a deeply engaging and interactive experience. It’s designed to both incentivize audience participation and provide content creators and platform managers with valuable insights into their audience.

Key Functionalities:

  1. User Levels and Progression:

    • Audience members progress through various levels based on their engagement and participation. Levels are a measure of a user's loyalty and activity, encouraging continued interaction.

  2. Rewards and Incentivization:

    • Tailored rewards are granted for reaching specific milestones, participating in events, or contributing content. These rewards can range from digital badges to exclusive access or discounts.

  3. Customizable Tags:

    • Users can be tagged based on interests, behaviors, or interaction patterns. Tags allow for the segmentation of audience members, enabling personalized communication and content delivery.

  4. Experience Points (XP):XP are earned for various activities on the platform, such as viewing content, participating in discussions, or sharing on social media. The accumulation of XP is a gamified way to track and encourage user engagement.

  5. Engagement Scores:

    • Users are assigned scores based on their overall engagement level, including factors like frequency of visits, interaction quality, and content contribution. Higher scores can unlock additional privileges and rewards.


  • Enhanced User Engagement: The gamification elements like levels, XP, and scores make the user experience more dynamic and engaging.

  • Personalized User Experience: Tags and customized rewards allow for a personalized approach to user engagement, increasing satisfaction and loyalty.

  • Valuable Audience Insights: The feature provides rich data on user behavior and preferences, aiding in content strategy and decision-making.

  • Increased Retention: By recognizing and rewarding user participation, the tool fosters a sense of achievement and belonging among audience members, leading to higher retention rates.

Adding Members

Adding Members

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